
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

You call yourself a homeschooler, huh?

Up until this year our children attended public school.  Well, Sis graduated and Bub went for Kindergarten and First grade.  They both did pretty well.  Bub is pretty advanced for his age/grade.  He was always a straight A student and at the top of his class.  He has the medals to prove it

Academically he did fine but we started noticing that he no longer wanted to go to school.  He used to love to learn.  In K and 1st grade we had to deal with bullying and with him being left out.  He likes to hang out with kids older then him.  The Hubs and I sat down at the end of the school year and had a long talk.  After many prayers we finally decided that it would be best for Bub and the little girls to be home schooled.  I would like to say for the record that if I could have had the teachers and the school without the other kids I would have kept him in school.  But alas, other people's children must attend public school as well.
We have spent the last two weeks homeschooling.  It has gone surprisingly well!  I'm not going to say that its been perfect but so far we all like it.

I am having to learn to let go and let the Holy Spirit guide Bub and me.  I'm a control freak but I'm finding that the more I let go the less stressful it is on all of us!

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