
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Why I don't clean anymore...

During the day that is!

That pretty much sums it up.  With three precious children under foot it makes absolutely no sense to me to clean during the day.  Now don't get me wrong.  They are responsible for their chores and picking up after themselves.  The heavy duty cleaning waits until Daddy gets home or the rugrats are tucked in for the night. 

Here is what my cleaning routine looks like: 
I wake up about 5:30 to do my devotional and have some "Mommy" time. 
While my coffee is brewing, I unload the dishwasher that ran during the night and reload any dirty dishes The Hubs left.  (Most mornings during the summer he is out the door by 5am.)
I load the dishes as we eat throughout the day.  Feeding 3-4 people three meals plus a snack or two dirties a bunch of dishes.  (Ferg is nursing exclusively at the moment.)
At nap time I do run the vacuum every day.  We track in a bunch of dirt!
After lunch I run the dishwasher so that it is empty for our dinner mess.
While Lil' Bit is taking her bath I use that time to wipe down the bathroom.
Once the kiddos are down for the night I clean the kitchen while the Hubs straightens the living room.
Everything will be changing I'm sure once I start school in a month's time but this is what works for now.

What does your cleaning schedule look like?

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